828.682.7899 info@pathwnc.org

healthy yancey

Yancey County has a longstanding tradition of neighbors helping neighbors. We’re known for how we look out for each other and lend that helping hand when someone needs it most. Whether it’s shoveling your elderly neighbor’s walkway in the winter, or fetching a child’s soccer ball that’s rolled into the street, it’s that caring community spirit that makes Yancey County such a terrific place to live, learn, work, and play. 

Since 1997, Healthy Yancey (HY) has built upon this rich community spirit to make it easier for Yancey county residents to realize their full health potential. There are big, systemic barriers that can prevent the more vulnerable members of our community from becoming, and staying, healthy. And because of our shared value of helping neighbors, we know our neighbor’s well being affects our own. Healthy Yancey is a coalition of committed and caring:

  • Members of the community
  • Health and human services professionals

Healthy Yancey comes together regularly to identify the big picture needs of Yancey residents and collaborate on strategies that yield the biggest impact. Together we’ve successfully implemented programs to increase access to opportunities for physical activity and promote healthy living and lifestyles.

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Here are some of the projects Healthy Yancey has either led or significantly contributed to.

  • Community Health Assessments
  • Cane River Park Infrastructure Project
  • Sizzlin’ Summer Series
  • Kid Mountain-Community Built Playground
  • Ray-Cort Skate Park Construction
  • Ray-Cort Walking Trail
  • Project Live Active In Yancey-PLAY
  • Women Cookin’ and Movin’
  • Yancey County Health Resource Guide
  • Town of Burnsville Pedestrian Plan