828.682.7899 info@pathwnc.org

substance use prevention

As beautiful and vibrant as Mitchell and Yancey Counties are, our residents still face many of the issues affecting the rest of the country. Substance abuse and addiction is a growing challenge we take very seriously at PATH. We take an approach that includes awareness, education, advocacy, and prevention.  Our flagship program in this priority area is our Mitchell-Yancey Substance Abuse Task Force, which among other things is responsible for instituting drug take-back days, installing permanent drug drop boxes, and broadly distributing mental health and substance abuse resource guides. PATH believes addressing the environmental factors that contribute to addiction will reduce or eliminate addiction in the long run.


mitchell-yancey substance abuse task force

The Mitchell-Yancey Substance Abuse Task Force (MYSATF) is focused on confronting the opioid epidemic and substance abuse crisis affecting both counties. Our core approach to reducing and eliminating substance abuse in Mitchell and Yancey counties includes awareness, education, advocacy, and prevention. Learn more. 


after-school programs

Many of our lifetime habits are established during adolescence. During this challenging time of growth and development youth may experiment with risky behaviors including substance abuse. But there is hope! By providing youth with opportunities that offer alternatives to negative lifestyle behaviors, we are able to assist students in developing positive, healthy, life-long habits. Learn more. 


youth to youth (Y2Y)

Youth to Youth (Y2Y) is an evidence-based, youth-driven, adult-guided program with a mission to engage young people through meaningful discussions, activities, and experiences. Youth to Youth engages young people through meaningful activities and experiences to develop and implement their own ideas to create positive change. Learn more. 


medication take back days/medication drop boxes

During our annual Medication Take Back Days, community members have voluntarily turned in more than 500,000 unused prescription medications and another 425 lbs. of illegal drugs, all of which were appropriately disposed of by law enforcement. In addition, community members are able to safely dispose of unused medication at one of 4 permanent drug drop boxes. Learn more.